Public Vote for a Painting Guide

Hey All,

I worked at a Games Workshop for a few years and I got pretty good at painting up a whole army in a quick way that looks pretty good and I love teaching people to do the same.

So here’s the deal. Let me know in the comments section what model or type of model you want to see a painting guide for. I love painting random stuff and I’d love to help people out. It would be better to do a more general type of model who’s painting techniques can be applied to to a whole army.

Just let me know what you want to see!

7 thoughts on “Public Vote for a Painting Guide

  1. I’ll suggest Orin Midwinter because he’s a merc model that will work for a decent amount of folks.

    Another one you could do is Aiyana and Holt. They’re pretty spiffy models as well.

  2. I really like to see a guide to painting banes as I have started playing Cryx and have a strict deadline to meet with my painting.

  3. I might consider looking at some of the common painting techniques/styles and pick models that emphasize those. Like picking something like Amon Ad-Raza to show off skin tones.

    Maybe Stormguard/blades or a Scyre (if you want a solo instead) to show off colored armor as opposed to metallics.

    Orin’s a good cloth demo piece, but Eirys might work too since she also has leather to demo painting.

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